@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011582, author = {奥田, 延幸 and Okuda, Nobuyuki and 吉見, 奈那子 and Yoshimi, Nanako and 藤原, 樹 and Fujiwara, Itsuki and 高村, 武二郎 and Takamura, Takejiro}, issue = {128}, journal = {香川大学農学部学術報告, Technical bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University}, month = {Feb}, note = {In this study, solution cooling and shading were applied to hydroponic takana (Brassica juncea var. integrifolia) just before harvest to investigate their effects on quality and growth. It was suggested that the nitrate nitrogen content of takana leaves could be reduced, and the sugar content could be increased by continuous day and night solution cooling treatments. The effects of the solution cooling treatment on ascorbic acid content were not significant. In addition, the nitrate-nitrogen content was reduced when the fertilizer content in the solution was reduced, but the appearance quality was also decreased. On the other hand, nitrate-nitrogen content increased, and ascorbic acid content and sugar content decreased when the seedlings were shaded. Long-term shading treatment suppressed the growth of the seedlings, suggesting the possibility of improving the quality of the takana plants., 本研究では、タカナの食味改善を図るため、収穫直前の水耕タカナに培養液冷却処理と遮光処理を行い、品質と生育に及ぼす影響を調査した。昼夜連続の培養液冷却処理では、タカナの硝酸態窒素含量を低減させ、糖度を上昇させる可能性が示唆された。アスコルビン酸含量に関しては、培養液冷却処理による影響は大きくなかった。また、培養液中の肥料分を低減すると硝酸態窒素含量は低下したが、外観品質も低下した。一方で、遮光処理を行うと、硝酸態窒素含量が増加しアスコルビン酸含量と糖度が低下した。また、長期間の遮光では生育が抑制されたが、食味改善の可能性が示唆された。}, pages = {1--6}, title = {水耕タカナの品質と生育に及ぼす培養液冷却処理および遮光処理の影響}, volume = {75}, year = {2023}, yomi = {オクダ, ノブユキ and ヨシミ, ナナコ and フジワラ, イツキ and タカムラ, タケジロウ} }