@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011583, author = {高村, 武二郎 and Takamura, Takejiro and 原, あかり and Hara, Akari and 水谷, 大賀 and Mizutani, Taiga and 奥田, 延幸 and Okuda, Nobuyuki}, issue = {128}, journal = {香川大学農学部学術報告, Technical bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University}, month = {Feb}, note = {The chromosome-doubling treatment of chili-pepper ‘Kagawa Hontaka’ by seed soaking in amiprophos-methyl solution was conducted, and the treatment brought some polyploids including the tetraploids. No tetraploid line derived from ‘Kagawa Hontaka’ had larger fruits than ‘Kagawa Hontaka’, suggesting that it is not easy to breed the plants with large-sized fruits by the chromosome-doubling of ‘Kagawa Hontaka’. Although some of the tetraploid lines contained larger amount of capsaicinoid in the fruit than ‘Kagawa Hontaka’, it was difficult to conclude that chromosome-doubling caused the increment of capsaicinoid content in fruits of ‘Kagawa Hontaka’., トウガラシ‘香川本鷹’の染色体倍加を試みたところ、APM溶液を用いた種子浸漬処理により四倍体を含む倍数体を作出できることが示された。また、‘香川本鷹’ 由来の四倍体系統で‘香川本鷹’ より明確に大きな果実を有する個体は認められず、‘香川本鷹’ の倍加による果実の大型化は容易ではないものと示唆された。さらに、四倍体系統の中には果実中のカプサイシノイド総量が‘香川本鷹’ と比べて高い値を示すものも認められたが、倍加が‘香川本鷹’果実中のカプサイシノイド含有量を増大するとは断定できなかった。}, pages = {7--13}, title = {トウガラシ‘香川本鷹’の染色体倍加}, volume = {75}, year = {2023}, yomi = {タカムラ, タケジロウ and ハラ, アカリ and ミズタニ, タイガ and オクダ, ノブユキ} }