@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001919, author = {山本, 麻理奈 and Yamamoto, Marina and 清水, 裕子 and Shimizu, Hiroko}, issue = {1}, journal = {香川大学看護学雑誌, Nursing journal of Kagawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {人工呼吸器装着の意思決定には患者と家族の双方が関わる.そこで, 意思決定に関わるALS患者と家族の心情について明らかにし, 今後の意思決定の支援の基礎資料とすることを目的として文献の検討を行った.検索対象年は1980年から2018年で,対象とした文献は9件であった., ALS患者の心情は,【生かされた状態で生きることへの拒否感】,【家族との意見の相違による苦悩】,【死の恐怖から生じる生存欲求】,【生死を決断することへの躊躇】,【呼吸器装着後の自己に対する嫌悪感・抵抗感】,【介護者である家族への配慮と決定権の移譲】,【現在の状況を受け止め生きていく覚悟】であった., ALS患者の家族の心情は,【患者の生存を渇望する気持ち】,【やむを得ない状況で決断を迫られる苦悩】,【多大な介護負担と延命後の患者の人生への問いから生じる懸念】,【予想外の状況に対する衝撃と後悔】,【患者の意思と自らの意思の間に生じた葛藤】,【患者に専心したことへの肯定的感情】であった., 今後は,患者と家族に早期から介入し,悔いのない意思決定に向けて,合意形成を促進する支援が必要である., Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) must sometimes make a difficult decision regarding whether to begin using artificial ventilation, such as tracheostomy positive-pressure ventilation (TPPV). Here we investigated the emotions experienced by ALS patients and their family members at such times, by reviewing the relevant literature. We also discuss ways that nurses can support this decision-making. We searched the Ichushi database (1980–2018) and identified nine studies, which revealed that the emotions of the ALS patients during the decision-making are as follows., Refusal to be kept alive; distress due to disagreement with family members; desire to survive based on a fear of death; hesitation to make a life-or-death decision; self-disgust and resistance to wearing a respirator; consideration to caregivers and transfer of self-determination rights; a strong desire to stay alive. The emotions experienced by family members of ALS patients are: hope for the patient's survival; struggling with the obligation to make a decision in unavoidable circumstances; concern about the extension of the patient's life; concern about the impact of the burden of care; regret about the unexpected situation; conflicts about differing opinions; positive feelings towards the patient. In light of these results, it is necessary to intervene at an early stage for ALS patients and their families, and to support the formation of their agreement about ventilation decisions that will not be regretted later.}, pages = {47--57}, title = {筋萎縮性側索硬化症患者と家族の人工呼吸器装着の意思決定場面における心理に関する文献検討}, volume = {23}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヤマモト, マリナ and シミズ, ヒロコ} }