@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003074, author = {木暮, 秩 and Kogure, Kiyoshi and 浅沼, 興一郎 and Asanuma, Koh-ichiro and 中, 潤三郎 and Naka, Junzaburo}, issue = {1}, journal = {香川大学農学部学術報告, Technical bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University}, month = {Sep}, note = {The effects of amounts of fertilizer, the ratio of applying P to N and K on the growth, and the dry matter production and its distribution to the vegetative and reproductive organs of broad bean plants were studied, using the cultivar "Sanuki-nagasaya" as material. The experiment was conducted with six treatments of NPK (Standard), O, NK, N3PK, 3NP3K, and 3N3P3K. The vegetative growth including the development of root nodules and reproductive growth were clearly promoted by dressing of P. Similar results were found with plants receiving much N and K on the development of huge vegetative organs, but the reproductive growth was disturbed. The contents of three elements in vegetative organs were generally high throughout the vigorous growing period especially in the early to flowering period and that of K was directly high responding to the amount of dressing. And though the amounts of three elements increased after the flowering period, the accumulations of N and P behaved as same as dry matters, different from those of K. The correlation between the maximum amounts of N and P storing in the vegetative organs and seed yields were significant, especially with P. Judging from the results, it may be pointed out that the active P content in the plant is stable and function as the limitting factor for the use of N and K elements despite absorbing excess doses in the broad bean plant., 蚕豆に対する三要素の施肥量, ならびにリン酸と他の二要素との異なる施用割合が各要素の吸収および生育・子実生産に及ぼす影響について検討した. 実験には「讃岐長莢」を用い, 圃場においてN 5.7, P2O5 7.2, K2O 8.6 Kg/10aの施用を標準(NPK)とし, 無肥(O), 無リン酸(NK), 多リン酸(N3PK), 多窒素・多カリ(3N P 3K), 多肥(3N 3P 3K)の6条件下で育成し, つぎの結果を得た. 分枝の増加・発達および開花・結実は施肥量, とくにリン酸の増施により促進された. 同様な傾向は栄養器官乾物重の推移にもみられたが, 窒素・カリを多用すると子実の発育を妨げた. 栄養器官の三要素含有率は概して開花期に高く, カリはとくに施用量の増加に伴い高い値で推移した. また各要素の含有量は開花期以降に急増するとともに, カリはその施用量を反映して施肥条件に伴う差が大であったのに対し, 他の二要素では乾物重の推移と近似した. さらに子実重と栄養器官におけるリン酸および窒素の最大蓄積量との間には, 高い相関が認められた. 以上のとおり, 蚕豆に対しリン酸は栄養・生殖両器官の生育について施用効果が大きい. しかし窒素とカリが過剰に存在する場合, 栄養器官に比して子実の発育が減退する傾向は, リン酸を多用しても変化を示さず, リン酸と他の二要素との施用割合が重要なことの一端を示すものと思われる. (本研究の要旨は1974年4月, 日本作物学会第157回講演会において発表した).}, pages = {1--10}, title = {蚕豆の生育過程に関する生理学的研究 Ⅺ. 施肥量,とくにリン酸の施用量が生育ならびに子実生産に及ぼす影響について}, volume = {29}, year = {1977}, yomi = {コグレ, キヨシ and アサヌマ, コウイチロウ and ナカ, ジュンザブロウ} }