@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003075, author = {浅沼, 興一郎 and Asanuma, Koh-ichiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {香川大学農学部学術報告, Technical bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University}, month = {Sep}, note = {To obtain some informations about the relationships between the dry matter production and the yield-determining process, soybean plants, cultivar "Akiyoshi", were submitted to two levels of shading conditions at various stages of growth, especially at flowering time. As the shading treatments were started earlier and the degree of those became heavier, the height of the plant became higher and the branching and the dry matter production were more restricted. After the treatments, however, the remarkable recovery was recognized with the branching and the dry matter production. The seed yield was reduced by all treatments, showing that this reduction was responsible mostly for the reduction of the numbers of fertile pod and seed per plant. Of these two yield components, the former was directly correlated with the dry matter production at flowering time., 「アキヨシ」を供試し, 開花期を中心として時期別に異なる程度の遮光処理を行ない, 秋ダイズの収量成立過程を個体の乾物生産の面から解明しようとした. 遮光処理の時期が早く, かつその程度が大きいほど植物体は徒長し, 分枝の発達および乾物生産は抑制された. しかし処理終了後は分枝の発達および乾物生産はかなりの回復を示した. また子実収量はすべての処理区において低下したが, この低下ともっとも密接な関係が認められる収量構成要素は稔実莢数および粒数であった. さらに収量構成要素と生長パラメータとの相関係数について検討した結果, 開花期前後の乾物生産は稔実莢数の増加に対し重要な意義を有することが明らかとなった.}, pages = {11--16}, title = {開花期前後の遮光が秋ダイズの収量成立に及ぼす影響}, volume = {29}, year = {1977}, yomi = {アサヌマ, コウイチロウ} }