@phdthesis{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000374, author = {Sugino, Masashiro and 杉野, 政城}, month = {2020-11-06, 2020-11-06, 2020-11-06}, note = {Background: The use of acetaminophen as a drug for pain control is expected to increase in the neonatal field. The displacement factor of acetaminophen in the reaction in the glucose oxidase peroxidase method is very high, but is also considered to be inaccurate based on physicochemical properties., Method: Unbound bilirubin was measured using the erythrocyte-bound bilirubin measurement method and glucose oxidase peroxidase method by the addition of acetaminophen or sulfisoxazole. The displacement factor was measured using glucose oxidase peroxidase method with the addition of tert-butyl-p-hydroxyanisole., Results: Acetaminophen did not increase erythrocyte-bound bilirubin, and the addition of tert-butyl-p-hydroxyanisole lowered its displacement factor. On the other hand, sulfisoxazole increased erythrocyte-bound bilirubin, while tert-butyl-p-hydroxyanisole did not change its displacement factor., Conclusion: Acetaminophen is an accelerator of the reaction in the glucose oxidase peroxidase method and does not displace bilirubin from human serum albumin.}, school = {香川大学, Kagawa University}, title = {Evaluation of bilirubin displacement effect by acetaminophen in vitro}, year = {}, yomi = {スギノ, マサシロ} }