@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000501, author = {木村, 吉幸 and Kimura, Yoshiyuki and 金子, 之史 and Kaneko, Yukibumi and 岩佐, 真宏 and Iwasa, Masahiro A.}, issue = {2}, journal = {哺乳類科学, Mammalian science}, month = {Dec}, note = {尾瀬地域で捕獲された Eothenomys (ビロードネズミ属) 37個体を, 外部形態の後足長と尾長の関係図によってヤチネズミ(E. andersoni)とスミスネズミ(E. smithii)の2種に識別した. 尾瀬地域においては, 燧ヶ岳北側の桧枝岐側では標高1150m付近を境として上方にヤチネズミが, 下方にスミスネズミが分布していた. 一方, 燧ヶ岳南側の尾瀬沼側では標高1700m付近でヤチネズミとスミスネズミが混在していた. したがって, スミスネズミの垂直分布の標高は桧枝岐側では尾瀬沼側に比べて約500m低かった., Thirty-seven Eothenomys specimens collected from the Oze district, Fukushima Prefecture, were identified by the relationship between the hind foot length and the tail length as two species of E. andersoni and E. smithii. As a result of the identification, E. andersoni occurs above 1150m in altitude and E. smithii is distributed below 1150m in the northern area (Hinoemata) of Mt. Hiuchigatake, whereas the both species are distributed at 1700m in the southern area (Ozenuma) of Mt. Hiuchigatake. Thus, the upper limit of the altitudinal distribution of E. smithii is about 500m lower in the northern area than in the sourthern area of Mt. Hiuchigatake.}, pages = {257--268}, title = {尾瀬地域のEothenomys(ビロードネズミ属)の同定と分布}, volume = {39}, year = {1999}, yomi = {キムラ, ヨシユキ and カネコ, ユキブミ and イワサ, マサヒロ} }