@phdthesis{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007334, author = {Goda, Yasuhiro and 合田, 康宏}, month = {2022-01-11, 2021-04-21, 2021-04-21}, note = {Background: The Over-The-Scope Clip (OTSC) can effectively treat refractory gastrointestinal diseases. However, most reports have focused on short-term effectiveness. We examined clinical outcomes of the deployed clips and long-term characteristics., Material and methods: Of 47 patients with OTSC treatment, 35 with follow-up periods of ≥3 months were retrospectively examined. The indications were 11 bleedings, 17 perforations, and seven fistulas. The observation period was defined as medium-term (3 to <12 months) or long-term (≥12 months). The primary outcome was the clinical success rate without disease recurrence. The secondary outcomes were the complication rate, survival duration, and clip retention rate., Results: The medium- and long-term clinical success rates were 100% during the observation period (median, 44 months; range, 3-78 months). The complication rate was 2.9% (n = 1). The median survival time was 1,634 days for bleeding, 1,757 days for perforation, and 444 days for fistulas. The overall clip retention rates were 56.4%, 38.1%, 30.9%, and 25.9% after one, six, and 12 months and at the final follow-up, respectively. The average clip retention duration was 244 days in bleeding, 656 days in perforations, and 188 days in fistulas., Conclusions: Regardless of clip detachment, the OTSC can be effective in long-term.}, school = {香川大学, Kagawa University}, title = {Long-term outcomes of over-the-scope clip for refractory gastrointestinal diseases}, year = {}, yomi = {ゴウダ, ヤスヒロ} }