@phdthesis{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008893, author = {若林, 誉幸 and Wakabayashi, Takayuki}, month = {2022-08-19, 2022-01-14, 2022-01-14}, note = {Background: The effects of therapeutic hypothermia (TH) on renal function are not widely reported, especially in longer-term animal models. The hypothesis of this study was that TH of the kidneys of hypoxic-ischemic newborn piglets would reduce pathological renal fibrosis., Methods: Twenty-five newborn piglets obtained within 24 h of birth were classified into a Control group (n = 5), hypoxic insult with normothermia (HI-NT) group (n = 12), and hypoxic insult with TH (HI-TH) group (33.5°C ± 0.5°C for 24 h; n = 8). Five days after the insult, all piglets were sacrificed under deep anesthesia by isoflurane inhalation. The kidneys were perfused with phosphate-buffered paraformaldehyde and immersed in formalin buffer. Territory fibrosis was studied and scored in the renal medulla using Azan staining., Results: Fibrosis area scores (mean ± standard deviation) based on Azan staining were 1.00 ± 0.46 in the Control group, 2.85 ± 0.93 in the HI-NT group, and 3.58 ± 1.14 in the HI-TH group. The fibrosis area of the HI-NT and HI-TH groups was larger than that of the Control. The HI-NT and HI-TH groups were not statistically different., Conclusion: Renal fibrosis is affected by perinatal asphyxia and cannot be prevented by TH, based on histopathological findings.}, school = {香川大学, Kagawa University}, title = {Hypothermia cannot ameliorate renal fibrosis after asphyxia in the newborn piglet}, year = {}, yomi = {ワカバヤシ, タカユキ} }