@article{oai:kagawa-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009713, author = {原田, 魁星 and Harada, Kaisei and 佐々木, 大輔 and Sasaki, Daisuke and 八瀬, 快人 and Yase, Hayato and 門脇, 惇 and Kadowaki, Jun}, journal = {香川大学インターナショナルオフィスジャーナル, Journal of Kagawa University International Office}, month = {Mar}, note = {Air supply systems for the pneumatic power assist devices are required to have portability. Conventional air supply systems have employed constant volume tanks. If a small constant volume tank is used in order to downsize the system, inner pressure of the tank drops significantly when compressed air is supplied to the actuator. In this study, a hollow cylindrical‐shaped variable volume tank is developed as a solution to this issue. This paper describes the effect of decreasing pressure drop based on the pneumatic energy characteristics when compressed air is stored in the developed hollow cylindrical‐shaped tank. We also explain the feasibility of achieving the desired energy characteristic at high pressure by multi‐layering the tanks to increase outer pressure.}, pages = {126--127}, title = {Development of air supply system for wearable robot‐effectiveness of hollow cylindrical‐shaped variable volume tank}, volume = {14}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ハラダ, カイセイ and ササキ, ダイスケ and ヤセ, ハヤト and カドワキ, ジュン} }